Mobile Cat Cafe/Coffee Food Truck
Coffee truck interior, 2021
Coffee truck interior, 2021
Coffee truck exterior with color, 2021
Coffee truck exterior with color, 2021
Coffee truck exterior, 2021
Coffee truck exterior, 2021
Coffee truck props, 2021
Coffee truck props, 2021
Coffee truck props, 2021
Coffee truck props, 2021
Coffee food truck/cart thumbnails, 2021
Coffee food truck/cart thumbnails, 2021
Zack in Time
Backgrounds completed during my time as an intern for the upcoming 2D animated show, Zack in Time
Completed Backgrounds from "Seasons"
A selection of backgrounds completed for my senior thesis film
Plushmaker's Studio
Plushmaker's studio final execution, 2021
Plushmaker's studio final execution, 2021
Plushmaker's studio thumbnails, 2021
Plushmaker's studio thumbnails, 2021
Plushmaker's studio props, 2021
Plushmaker's studio props, 2021
Plushmaker's studio props, 2021
Plushmaker's studio props, 2021
Marsh Exterior Environment
Marsh exterior final execution, 2021
Marsh exterior final execution, 2021
Exterior envionment thumbnails, 2021
Exterior envionment thumbnails, 2021
Marsh grass design exploration, 2021
Marsh grass design exploration, 2021
Tree and branch design exploration, 2021
Tree and branch design exploration, 2021
Other Environment Artwork
Interrogation room completed for an animation, 2023
Interrogation room completed for an animation, 2023
Bar background completed for an animation, 2021
Bar background completed for an animation, 2021
Isometric flower shop game art concept, 2020
Isometric flower shop game art concept, 2020
Isometric flower shop game art concept, 2020
Isometric flower shop game art concept, 2020
House in the woods concept art, 2021
House in the woods concept art, 2021
House in the woods concept art, 2021
House in the woods concept art, 2021
House in the woods concept art, 2021
House in the woods concept art, 2021
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